The pursuit of a healthy work-life balance is a shared struggle. Between the demands of work, the complexities of relationships and family responsibilities, and the desire to pursue personal interests, it’s a journey that many of us find overwhelming. In fact, more than one in four Americans describe themselves as stressed.
When stress levels rise, productivity decreases significantly. Over time, stress can negatively impact our overall wellness, from making us more susceptible to a variety of ailments (colds, flu, and backaches) to newer research showing that chronic stress can double our risk of having a heart attack.
When individuals manage everyday stress better, they are happier, more productive, take fewer sick days, and, most importantly, healthier. Here are a few steps to take to loosen stress’s grip on us and regain the balance of our lives at home.
- Unplug: Take a few minutes each day to unplug from technology. Use this time for you—step outside, meditate, read from an actual book, or do anything else that calms your mind.
- Divide & Conquer: Make sure responsibilities at home are evenly distributed and clearly outlined – you’ll avoid confusion and problems later.
- Don’t over-commit: Do you feel stressed just looking at your calendar? If you’re overscheduled with activities, learn to say “no.” Shed the urge to be a superhero!
- Get Support: Chatting with friends and family can be important to your success at home and can even improve your health.
- Stay Active: Regular exercise reduces stress, depression, and anxiety and enables people to better cope with adversity. Make time to schedule your favorite workout class or take a walk during lunch.
- Get help if you need it. Don’t let stress stand in the way of your health and happiness. If you’re persistently overwhelmed, it may be time to help from a mental health professional. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness; it is a sign of strength.