Healthy Lifestyle Goals for the New Year

The beginning of a new year is a great time to make healthy lifestyle changes, give up bad habits, and improve your well-being. The most popular New Year’s resolutions include getting more exercise, losing weight, and eating healthier. Here are some of the top health goals for 2023.

Eat a Healthier Diet – Eating healthy has many different factors to it. It could be meal planning, prepping, or just slowing down while eating. Put away all your distractions while you eat, and enjoy the textures and flavors of your meal.

Move More – Going to the gym daily might not be realistic for most people, so find other ways to move more. Park further away from your destination. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Any amount of physical activity has some health benefits, so if you have a few minutes, you have time to exercise.

Focus on Better Sleep Hygiene – good sleep habits (sometimes referred to as “sleep hygiene”) can help you get a good night’s sleep. Some benefits of good sleep are reduced stress and improved mood, lowered risk for serious health problems, ability to focus more at home, work, or school, and many other benefits.

Establish a Simple Meditation Practice – meditation has been practiced for thousands of years and has been shown to give you a sense of calm, peace, and balance. You can also use it to relax and cope with stress by refocusing your attention on something calming.

Lose Weight and Keep It Off – Probably one of the most popular resolutions is this one! I listed the other four first because all contribute to losing weight and keeping it off. It all comes down to eating healthier, moving more, finding ways to relieve stress, and getting better sleep!


About the Author:

Anna Valverde has always had a passion for fitness and wellness. She received her bachelor’s in physical education with an emphasis in teacher education at Chico State University and has been in the fitness/wellness industry since 2002. In addition to fitness and wellness, her two young boys are pride and joy. They are 3 and 5 and keep her on her toes. Her family loves being outdoors, hiking, swimming, and the boys love their weekly zoo visits!

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