Winter is in full swing, which typically means colder air and a lack of humidity. As a result, our skin suffers – it becomes dry, flaky, and itchy. Observed every year on January 8th, National Winter Skin Relief Day encourages us to take care of our skin during the drier winter months. Here are a […]
Beating The “Winter Blues”
The chilly winter months are among us, meaning darker mornings and nights and gray, gloomy days. Many during these months find it hard to find the motivation for things they used to do, resulting in a term called “the winter blues.” There is no medical diagnosis for the “winter blues.” Still, experts say it is […]
Safe Toys and Gifts Month
With the holidays in full swing, people of all ages are busy giving and receiving gifts. For the little ones in our lives, the excitement of receiving a new toy is a major highlight of the holiday season. However, in addition to the joy that toys bring, it’s important to consider their level of safety. […]