Halloween is here – all the fun (sometimes scary) decorations are out, and the kids are ready to wear their favorite costumes. But are you prepared for the sugar rush? With some creativity, you can find and incorporate ways to avoid the crazy sugar spikes while still having fun trick-or-treating and managing how many pieces […]
Healthy Halloween For Everybody
Too much Halloween candy and treats got you spooked? Here are some tips and tricks for a healthy Halloween for all trick-or-treaters, party hosts, and stay-at-home crew. The Trick-or-Treater The Party Host The Stay-At-Home Crew Source: https://www.heart.org/en/healthy-living/healthy-eating/eat-smart/nutrition-basics/how-to-have-a-healthy-halloween
How will Halloween look like this year?
Photo by Charles Parker from Pexels This year, Halloween falls on a Sunday! But what exactly can we expect from Halloween this year? With curfews and special rules last year, we are hoping that Halloween will look a bit more “normal” this year. With vaccines already widely available for anyone 12+, we are anxiously awaiting for the 5-11 […]