The advantages of aquatic rehabilitation

Surfing through a wave…Skiing behind a boat…Diving into the pool…

For most of us, water is a familiar form of recreation and exercise; however, recently it has gained in interest within the rehabilitation world. Water provides many advantages and alternatives to the traditional land-based physical therapy program. These advantages include: decreased weight bearing, increased range of motion and strength, increased balance training, decreased edema, increased aerobic endurance and increased moral.

For some patients, the buoyancy of the water can help to unload the joints and provide a progressive environment towards full weight bearing activities. Buoyancy can also assist joints for working through greater ranges of motion, increasing their overall flexibility. Additionally, the water’s density allows patients to get into various positions that may be uncomfortable in the clinic, increasing the variety of exercises which may be used for strengthening.

For other patients, the turbulence and drag in the pool can challenge their balance and proprioception systems. This principle is easily achieved through changing the depth of water, changing the patient’s stance or adding various pieces of aquatic therapy equipment. Additionally, the water’s compression can stimulate circulation resulting in decreasing post-op and post-traumatic edema.

Regardless of the patient’s individual rehabilitation goals, not only does aquatic therapy enable greater movements, but it also provides movement earlier in the recovery process which can have an outstanding affect on one’s general moral. Psychological benefits can include confidence, decreased stress, increased endorphins and most importantly, decreased pain!

Physical therapists have long been aware of the various benefits aquatic therapy can have on their patients. Here are some examples of common rehabilitation conditions which may benefit the most from aquatic therapy: athletic injuries, degenerative disc disease, spinal cord injuries, CVA (stroke), fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis/rheumatoid arthritis and chronic pain disorders.

Since 1987, BaySport has been offering pool-based rehabilitation programs for our patients at each of our clinic locations. Patients are instructed by our experienced physical therapists or physical therapy assistants. Sessions include safe aquatic activities designed to create an injury specific, active recovery program that complements their land-based program.

Contact BaySport for more information about how we can help you benefit from an aquatic physical therapy program.

Written by Rebekah Reifsnyder, DPT

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