Carbohydrates Are Not the Enemy

Contrary to what many fad dieters believe, carbohydrates are an essential component of a healthy diet. Gain perspective as to why carbohydrates should not be eliminated or considered an obstacle when it comes to health and weight management. Plus, learn how to properly incorporate the right types of carbohydrates to achieve a balanced and nutritious diet.

Educate yourself with this insightful article.

Heart Health: How and Why

February is Heart Health Month. Do you know what factors in most when it comes to building and maintaining a strong heart?

While it’s a well-known message, the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle enriched with regular exercise and a nutritious diet cannot be expressed enough. Stress management and other healthy habits can also impact the efficiency of of your cardiovascular system.

Read more to discover everyday actions to promote a healthy heart, as well as the reasoning behind them.

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