Healthy Tips for Summer Dining

The summer months, with warmer weather and longer days, tend to influence people’s dining habits. People tend to eat out more and attend celebrations or events more frequently. In fact, some reports show that nearly half of consumers eat more in the summer – often on a weekly basis.

Whether you are dining out or grilling at home, here are some healthy reminders for summer dining.

  • Use Portion Control: Healthy eating does not imply cutting out all of our favorite foods. For those few unhealthy items, consider moderation and stick to one serving a few times a week.
  • Make a Healthy Plate: Balance your plate with fruits, vegetables, protein, and whole grains.
  • Dine and Shop Smart: Even when you are dining out, remember the plate guidelines noted above. When grocery shopping, shop the perimeter of the store first and visit your local farmer’s market for fresh, low-calorie produce.
  • Skip the Salt, Cut the Fat: When grilling, choose lean, unprocessed meats. When cooking, choose unsaturated fats and use less sodium. Experiment with herbs, spices, and vinegar to add flavor.
  • Snack Smart: Those morning pastries, afternoon cookies, and even desserts can add up. When looking for a snack, choose fresh, in-season fruit, low-fat yogurt, whole grain items, or veggies and dip.
  • Hydrate!: While it’s important to stay hydrated year-round, summer activities can increase water loss through sweat and evaporation. Pay attention to staying hydrated and what you’re drinking. Fruit-infused or plain water is still one of the best and lowest-calorie ways to hydrate your body.


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