Resolve to Realign

 Straighten Up Your Act 

While aiming for a more active work day, don’t forget about another important aspect of your physical health no matter where you are: posture. Posture is made up of the methods in which your muscles, skeleton and connective tissues work together to hold your body erect.

Poor posture can develop over long periods of practicing bad habits, such as slouching, sitting too long and performing activities or exercises without good form. Poor posture can be very problematic as it strains muscles, joints and connective tissues which can increase the risk of injury, muscle imbalances, fatigue and pain. Fortunately, in most cases, poor posture can be corrected.

Proper posture involves a combination of the correct alignment of these body parts and the amount of muscle tension against gravity. Good posture helps to:

  • Ensure correct muscle function, preventing abnormal wearing of joint surfaces that can result in pain and possibly degenerative arthritis
  • Reduce stress on spinal ligaments and lower risk of injury
  • Maintain efficiency of muscles and energy use, preventing muscle fatigue
  • Prevent muscle strain, pain and overuse issues

Begin a better year by making a point to perk up your posture. Not only is proper posture important while sitting, but while standing and lying down as well. Find out how to practice good posture in these positions.

Dig a little deeper and discover the top 3 postural problems caused by sitting and the exercises that can be done to fix them.

Finally, there are many things you can do to take good care of your back, including stretching and strengthening exercises that support your spine. Explore other ways you can protect your back at work.

The physical therapists and fitness professionals at BaySport can help you assess your posture and address any issues that may be related to poor posture.


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