Bike Safety

Biking is a fantastic low-impact aerobic exercise that can help shape a healthy lifestyle with its ability to be suitable for all physical activity levels. The benefits of biking include: When starting to bike, it’s essential not to overlook proper technique and safety. – Keep a Good Position Find the right fit, and make sure […]

Improve Your Posture

Good posture helps our body move efficiently without putting it under unneeded stress and strain that can lead to injury. Additionally, it makes you look and feel more confident and helps you breathe and digest easier because the proper alignment of the body allows the organs to function as needed. From working at a desk […]

Probiotics – The Good Bacteria

Probiotics – aka the good bacteria – are live microorganisms intended to have health benefits when consumed or applied to the body. Although bacteria and other microorganisms are sometimes labeled as “bad,” a balance between both good and bad bacteria in our bodies is vital to good health. Having enough good bacteria helps fight off […]

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