Should you be worried about Rhabdomyolysis?

Before being able to answer this question, you are probably asking what is rhabdomyolysis? Rhabdomyolysis (pronounced rab-dō-mī-ˈäl-ə-səs) is triggered by the break down and death of muscle fibers that are then released into the blood stream, which can lead to kidney failure. Rhabdomyolysis has many causes including, the use of illegal drugs and alcohol, extreme muscle […]

Injury Prevention Tips for Cyclists

Physical therapists can recommend ways to prevent or recover from a cycling injury. Your physical therapist can assess your “bike-fit” to maximize your efficiency, reduce pain, and prevent injuries. Bike Fit-Related Tips: 1. Frequently change your hand position on the handlebars to decrease stress to your upper body. 2. Keep a relaxed grip of the handlebars. […]

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