Travel is Good for Overall Wellbeing

Vacations are the perfect time for people to take a much-needed break and renew their energy. Researchers show that taking the time to relax purposefully can cut stress, reduce muscle tension, and improve brain function and memory. All those areas certainly boost health and make a person feel mentally and physically better, proving the health benefits of taking a vacation.

Time Off Reduces Stress & Improves Mood – Time off work and school leads to lower stress levels. One study by the American Psychological Association found that because vacations remove activities (and environments) people usually find stressful, they drastically improve their mood and feel much more relaxed.

Travel is Good for the Heart – A good vacation escape is good for the heart. The American Heart Association found that annual vacationers were less likely to develop heart disease and die from cardiac events.

Nature Trips are Practically Beneficial – Being outdoors, breathing in the fresh air, and exploring nature decreases the body’s stress hormone. Plus, sunlight is known to help with fatigue and low mood.

There are no strict guidelines for how often you should travel, and you don’t have to go anywhere fancy to reap the health benefits of a vacation. A staycation can also reduce stress and improve mood without straining the wallet. To fully reap the benefits of a staycation, plan activities (i.e., a hike with friends, exploring a new part of town, or reading a book at a park) that are relaxing and fun.


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