Tips for Managing Stress Eating

We encounter stressors from work, home life, or personal challenges every day. It can all build up, and some days are harder than others. On these particularly hard days, do you ever feel like eating a whole bag of chips or a big fat slice of chocolate cake? If so, you are not alone. It is called stress eating or emotional eating. Stress eating is a coping mechanism that we do to help us better when we are sad or stressed. It usually has nothing to do with being hungry, but it has everything to do with soothing uncomfortable feelings or situations.

Here are some tips to help you manage stress eating.

  1. Practice Mindful Eating: If you know that your cravings might result from a stressful situation or event, before grabbing that unhealthy treat, ask yourself, “Am I really hungry?” Wait a few minutes before eating.
  2. Keep Healthy Snacks Easily Accessible: Most of the time, we grab something quick, easy, and delicious. Try to keep healthier snacks (consider a lower-calorie, lower-fat option) at the forefront of your snack options.
  3. Watch Portion Size: Instead of grabbing the whole bag of chips, pour a snack-size amount into a bowl. Check the nutrition label to see what one serving is, and stick to that.


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