What is Healthy Eating?

Healthy eating can differ for many people, as everyone has different personal health goals. Food fuels the body; it provides the calories and nutrients our bodies need to function at their best. A healthy diet lowers disease risk increases longevity, and promotes optimal mental and physical well-being.

Healthy eating has nothing to do with adhering to one specific diet or dietary restriction. Some people need – or choose – to avoid particular foods or adopt diets for health reasons, but no one diet suits everyone. Focusing on prioritizing your health by fueling your body with nutrient-rich foods is the best “diet” that works for you.

The basics of healthy eating include:

Nutrient-Dense Foods – All foods contain calories, but not all foods are nutrient dense. Eat foods high in protein, fiber, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals (including vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, beans, fatty fish, and eggs).

Diet Diversity – Eating a diverse diet (a variety of foods) helps support gut bacteria, promotes a healthy body weight, and protects against chronic disease.

Macronutrient Ratios – Carbs, fat, and protein are the three main nutrients you get from food. Meals and snacks should be balanced between the three, as one helps the others. For example, adding protein and fat to fiber-rich carbs make dishes more filling and satisfying (adding a spoonful of nut butter or a bit of cheese to a piece of fruit).

Highly Processed Foods – Limit your intake of highly processed foods like soda, mass-produced baked goods, candy, and sugary cereals. Highly processed foods are typically loaded with high-fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, and artificial sweeteners.

The basis of healthy eating is how you nourish your body while enjoying the foods you love.



Photo by Ella Olsson

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